/ development work

The Film Link - screenshot home

The Film Link

Ever find yourself wanting to watch a movie, but haven’t a clue where to watch it? The Film Link is a movie database application that can track down any film and display all necessary information along with where it might be available to watch.

Tech / JavaScript, React.js, HTML, CSS, Python, Django REST Framework, MySQL, Postman, JWT, TMDb API, Axios

Game Source - screenshot home

Game Source

Using over 10,000 video-game data entries, Game Source can find any game you're looking for and provide relevant detailed information. This application also provides Google React data visualization charts that display both top grossing games for any given year, and top selling consoles since 2013.

Custom hero graphic by me

Tech / JavaScript, React.js, Python, Django REST Framework, HTML, CSS, Google Charts, MySQL, Postman